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Ready to Scale Up? Why Now Is The Best Time For High Business Growth And Evolution

From the editor. Is this the best time for your business growth and evolution?

business growth

I remember writing a letter about being prepared for the post-pandemic recovery and business growth. 2 plus years later post-pandemic recovery is here and the way people’s behaviours changed when it comes to buying and doing business with both online brands, as well as brick and mortar businesses has shifted entirely.

I have always been a great advocate of having a strong online presence (It’s over 13 years since I’ve been involved in the digital marketing world). I always felt it was essential to utilise the power of the world connectivity to reach more clients through online marketing and by doing that provide more opportunities to grow not only your business, but also create a thriving and positive impact on the communities around you.

I wanted to provide my observations from a current market opportunity perspective in the post-pandemic shift.

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Why Now Is The Best Time For Business Growth, Visibility And Online Marketing?

The impact that was created in 2019 on people’s livelihoods including businesses continuous to be a challenge for many businesses. But it does not stop there, today’s media is filled with negative headlines and the predictions of what else can go wrong. But regardless of the headlines, this is a period of great opportunities for your business and your business growth, to create more, reach out others through your services, and achieve this by becoming more visible and driving more business to your doors.

"The fight for who shows up online first and attracts those clients really accelerated demand for online marketing."

What 3 Types of Businesses Will Benefit The Most From The Visibility And Digital Marketing?

Many businesses, who invested heavily in online marketing over the past couple of years have successfully achieved the growth and innovation that was not even a consideration before 2019.

So many small brick and mortar businesses, despite of the shutdowns managed to persevere thanks to website and continue to do so even today.

Who benefited the most from digital marketing?

1. Small businesses who traditionally exclusively or predominantly relied on in-person sale such as personal trainers, yoga instructors and studios, teachers and in-person training facilities;

2. Small independant coffee shops, local bakeries and indi tradors started delivery and subscription services through their web channels and by using clever online marketing to sell their products and services, many still offer those services today.

3. And of course large insitutions that mostly did business face to face, even banks and large insurance companies had to upscale digital service delivery.

The list of buinsesses of course does not stop there.

The online marketing remains essential for growth, at whatever speed you choose to grow and whatever direction you are ready to evolve. Digital marketing was really good before Pandemic and it is essential today, as your clients shifted their buying habits and how they search for businesses like yours.

For example, people want to be able to find answers really quick online, if they are searching for a particular product or a service, or a solution to certain problems, they expect to be able to resolve those questions instantly. The fight for who shows up online first and attracts those clients really accelerated demand for online marketing.

As the world goes through the cycles of ups and downs, the opportunity to channel your energy into your business has never been greater.

What Are The 3 Areas You Should Focus When Planning Business Growth?

It is a perfect time to up the game, by reviewing, identifying and correcting any flaws your online presence has right now, be it your website, your advertising, your content and all relevant Chanels of communication.

  1. Review your online positioning, marketing and tools that you are using in your business today;

  2. Identify what erros need addressing, what is not working and what no longer serves your long term business growth strategy;

  3. Correct those flaws that you discovered. You may only need to alter small part of your advertising copy or you may need to redesign the entire website or an online campaign.

You would not know without taking your time to analyze your business.

In other words, this is a time to grow, and future-proof your business and your brand presence online. There is no time to slow down and let things slip. It is time to adapt to those newly formed behaviours and focus resources on local search optimization, visibility and digital trends.

If you would like help with your business and online marketing you can contact me through Socrates Bike - a specialist traffic and conversion consulting.

Here's to growth and evolution

Tamara Forrest-Smith

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